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Publications within the project
 | M.Giacomini, S. Bertone, K.L. Bartie, G. Huys, J. Swings, D.T.H. Oanh,
N.T. Phuong, M. Shariff, F.M. Yusoff, T. Somsiri, S. Chinabut, A.J. Teale: “A
Web-Based Data Base for data collection in a EU-funded project on aquaculture
in South-East Asia countries”. 36° Congresso SIBM, Trieste 9 / 13-5-2005,
p. 110. |
 | Geert Huys, Margo Cnockaert, Kerry Bartie, Dang Thi Hoang Oanh, Nguyen
Thanh Phuong, Temdoung Somsiri, Supranee Chinabut, Fatimah Yussoff, Mohamed
Shariff, Mauro Giacomini, Stefania Bertone, Jean Swings, Alan Teale: "Intra-
and interlaboratory performance of antibiotic disk diffusion susceptibility
testing of bacterial control strains of relevance for monitoring aquaculture
environments". Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 66: 197-204, 2005. |
 | K.L. Bartie, G. Huys, J. Swings, D.T.H. Oanh, N.T.
Phuong, M. Shariff, F.M. Yusoff, T. Somsiri, S. Chinabut, S. Bertone, M.
Giacomini, A.J. Teale "Hazard Analysis Of Antimicrobial Resistance Associated
With Asian Aquacultural Environments". Proceedings of the International
Workshop on "Antibiotic resistance in Asian aquaculture environments", ISBN
N°88-901344-3-7, Track
1_1 |
 | The use of antimicrobials in Asian aquaculture: aims of
the EU ASIARESIST project. Supranee Chinabut,T. Somsiri, K.L. Bartie, G. Huys,
D.T.H. Oanh, M. Giacomini, S. Bertone, M. Shariff, F.M. Yusoff, J. Swings and
A. Teale. World Aquaculture, 9th-13th May 2005, Bali,
Indonesia. (Abstract) |
Temdoung Somsiri, Dang-Thi-Hoang-Oanh, Supranee Chinabut, Nguyen Thanh
Phuong, Mohamed Shariff, Fatimah Md. Yusoff, Kerry Bartie, Mauro Giacomini,
Michela Robba, Stefania Bertone, Geert Huys, and Alan Teale: "A Simple Device
for Sampling Pond Sediment". Aquaculture, 2006, vol. 258, n. 1-4, pp. 650-654.
G. Huys, K. Bartie, M. Cnockaert, D. T. H. Oanh, N. T. Phuong, T. Somsiri, S. Chinabut, F. Md Yusoff, M. Shariff, M. Giacomini, A. Teale, J. Swings “Biodiversity of chloramphenicol-resistant mesophilic heterotrophs from Southeast Asian aquaculture environments” Research in Microbiology, in press .
 | Oanh, D.T.H., N.T. Phuong, T. Somsiri, S. Chinabut, F. Yusoff, M. Shariff,
K. Bartie, G. Huys, M. Giacomini, S. Bertone, J. Swings and A. Teale.
"Antibiotic susceptibility testing of aquaculture associated bacteria
originating from integrated farming systems in the Mekong River Delta", Viet
Nam. Scientific Journal of Can Tho University, 2005. In press. |
 | Oanh, D.T.H., N.T. Phuong, T. Somsiri, S. Chinabut, F. Yusoff, M. Shariff,
K. Bartie, G. Huys, M. Giacomini, S. Bertone, J. Swings and A. Teale.
"Antimicrobial resistance in Heterotrophic Bacteria from Southeast Asian
Aquaculture Origin". In preparation.. |
